Thursday, August 28, 2008

In Jane's garden

This summer we spent some time in England and Wales. This garden belongs to the house in Chawton where Jane Austen spent the last eight years of her life. The house is now a museum, and tells the story of her life. It is mostly well preserved, and only minor structural changes have been made.

Three years ago hurricane Katrina hit New Orleans and the Gulf coast. Now Gustav is on the way. Even though we are not living on the coast, this makes me nervous since we felt the aftermath even here, much further inland, with fallen branches and trees all over town. Houses and cars were smashed, and we we experienced only the outer remnants of the then storm. Fay brought much needed rain, and it felt like in country over there when it can rain for weeks at a time. Let's hope Gustav will not bring so much devastation as did Katrina.

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